An entity came in and started making elaborate, graceful arm movements and started silently repeating the word Al-
kara over and over again. Gradually the words became louder until they were audible.
Pat: Are you a priest Al-kara?
Al-kara: I am the priestess of the moon temple.
Pat: In what country is this temple?
Al-kara: Akkad.
Guy: Akkad?
Al-kara: (Firmly emphasising the first syllable.) Akkad.
Guy: Sumeria.
Pat: Sumeria?
Guy: A bit later.
Pat: Do you agree with that?
Al-kara: (Speaking slowly and deliberately) When I was in your earth plane I worked as this one works now.
Pat: We are very pleased for you to come and visit us.
Al-kara: I was a handmaid of the God Bunel.
Pat: Was the God Bunel a living person?
Al-kara: He was the spirit behind the throne. His spirit - forgive me, I seek for the words - vivified the people.
Gina: People such as yourself or this medium?
Al-kara: In time to come this activity will be more widespread than it is now, but the time is not right for
it. There is a greater sincerity in it than there was in my day. In my day you would have called this the state
activity, for religion was not separated as it is with you, it was our whole life. But because it was so
widespread and so highly honoured there were many tricks used to produce the effects.
Gina: That happened until very recently.It happens even now in certain circumstances.
Al-kara: But in the time to come it will be sincere. That time is not yet. You need another two hundred years.
Pat: Not in my life-time!
Al-kara: You do not know, you may come back.
Pat: Not in my current life-time.
Al-kara: You only have one life.
Gina: Not in the time I am currently residing on this earth.
Pat: You are living, whether in a physical body or not.
Gina: (Laughing) Not in the current time I am residing in this earth in a physical body. I think I've got it right now.
Angie: Can you describe your life as it was?
Al-kara: I served in the temple. I was in charge of the running of the temple and in training the novices as they
came. In my day it was the same as in your day - that the women were more sensitive than the men. There were
many men priests but generally speaking the women were far more sensitive and usually could progress quite quickly in the temple services.
Angie: Were you specially selected?
Al-kara: Yes. We usually entered the temple service at thirteen years of age. Some of us stayed there for our whole life, others stayed for varying periods of time.
Angie: Who determined that?
Al-kara: The person concerned.
Pat: How were you chosen?
Al-kara: When I manifested the ability to foresee. With some people the ability stayed only a short time, and
that was the main criteria for length of service in the temple. With me the gift stayed and was true.
Unfortunately, it was not always conveyed to the king accurately.
Guy: Can you name the king of the city with whom you lived? We know a few names of them.
Al-kara: (Pause) No.
Guy: Fair enough.
Al-kara: Names I do not remember after this time. I can go back into my own activities and life, that is all.
Pat: The kings and cities are not important.
Gina: How did you end up passing over?
Al-kara: During the service at the temple. I was very ancient and I was passing on my duties to my successor.
I lay on a bed at the side of the temple to watch the service, that she was conducting it correctly, and I
perceived that my time had come and so I went.
Guy: It was probably more than four thousand years since you have passed. You were a priestess and a spiritual
person, what has happened to you in the last four thousand years - in our time?
Al-kara: I understand. For a while I stayed around my country. I sought still to guide my successor, to bring
the energy necessary for the service at the temple. For a while too, I taught in the Halls of Learning. You see,
in my day there were not many people passing who needed the kind of help that many need in your day.
Gina: We have forgotten a lot haven't we?
Al-kara: We lived much closer to the Spirit World. Now,
there were people who were already beginning to corrupt
the religious ideas, and they needed some teaching when
they came over into the Spirit World, and I worked at
that for a while. Because many of them were sincere,
they had been but led astray by those who would divert
the religious teachings. Alas, it was only a short time
after my departure that the new corrupt religious ideas
were becoming more widespread. But still the true
religion stayed in parts.
I have also been in blissful states, and other
times I sought to help the earth, always from this side.
I have acted as guide to some mediums, I have also worked
in other worlds in other parts of your universe.
Angie: Can you describe those worlds?
Al-kara: Not in terms that you can understand. It would
not benefit you anyway.
Pat: Why have you come to visit us.
Al-kara: The memory of my incarnation has been drawn to
this medium because of her interest in my country, in my
time. There is much that was not written down, there is
also much that was written down that has been lost. But
we did not write down the true religious ideas, these
were always passed from teacher to pupil. Many things
are not possible to be written down, many things were too
dangerous to be written down - such as the methods of
entering trance; such as the truth behind the world.
Many of these things we knew would be used wrongly if
they passed into the wrong hands. Unfortunately,
eventually it did fall into the wrong hands.
Pat: What happened then?
Al-kara: It was distorted. Men used it for their own
Gina: What is the truth behind the world?
Al-kara: It has been taught to you in this place. The
one-true energy underlying everything. It could not be
revealed in my time so clearly as it has been revealed to
you because we would not have the necessary material
concepts that you already have. And so it was harder for
us to build, to bring the concepts across to you. With
you it is much easier.
Guy: We remember names like Enlil, and Ea and Tiamat,
were you taking them literally or were you taking them as
Al-kara: They were symbols, often used to help the
general populace. They were simple souls who had even
fewer of the concepts than we had in the temple. And
yet, for us they were also analogies, for not even I knew
the full truth at that stage, although I was glimpsing
Guy: When you say that another 200 years will pass before
the full spirit teaching can take hold, can you see the
course lying ahead?
Al-kara: Not in all its details. I am aware that these
teachings are spreading. As you have been told, there is
a different type of soul coming into your world and for
them it will be more natural. And this will help in the
spreading and acceptance of this philosophy. Many of the
rigid codified forms will be there - just the forms. But
the truth of Spirit will be much more widely
Guy: What do you see as your own task now?
Al-kara: I am moving. I am shedding the last of my
memories and moving on. As you discover more about my
country the memories that I have are awakened once again.
And they will be awakened in those spirits who are in the
earth's aura from that time. But it will also help us to
shed them and to go on.
Guy: You never wanted to come back on earth?
Al-kara: No. I learnt enough in that incarnation to
know that it is not necessary. As the time passed it
became more and more necessary because people were
becoming more attached to the earth. The spirits that
were to inhabit people in the earth plane were in the
process of coming down into the world and becoming more
and more attached. You are now at that point where the
process is reversing, and as time passes you will become
less and less attached to the world and so you will be
moving on and leaving it behind. And this will enable
the new souls to come in, the new type of souls. They
too, wish to come in to a material world but they will
have different attitudes to you.
Gina: Who are these new souls?
Al-kara: The earth is but a way-station, as the souls
come forth from Spirit and go back again.
Pat: What were you doing when you first came? Were you
blessing us, or following your normal priestly rituals?
Al-kara: I was following the ritual in the temple as we
offered the gifts to the God Bunel. We largely used
gestures rather than words.
Guy: When you went to Spirit, forgive me for asking this,
did you expect to find a Moon-God?
Al-kara: No.
Guy: You didn't. You knew that the Moon-God was only a
Al-kara: Yes. For me it was a symbol of the spirit. I
knew that parts of our practises were not accurate, but I
also knew of the underlying truth. We were in a material
world and we had to accommodate that too. Already at my
time there was the inner core that knew the truth and we
tried to pass it on to those who came after us. And some
accepted it in its purity and others were twisting it.
And others were, shall I say, strangers to the truth.
But we had to accommodate the material necessities of
life - the bureaucracy, the court, the king. And so some
things we did to please those in order to shield the
Pat: You did not have direct access to the king?
Al-kara: No.
Pat: And yet he sought your council?
Al-kara: It was passed on to him.
Pat: As advice, not by his seeking?
Al-kara: No.
Guy: Was your life-time a time of peace and prosperity or
a time of war and destruction?
Al-kara: It was mainly peaceful. There were some wars
but nothing that would disturb our temple. The country
was basically in a state of stability and equilibrium
during my life-time.
Pat: As religion was a way of life then, did the people
worship daily in their homes or in the temple, or was
this reserved for a special day of the week?
Al-kara: They came as they could. But all activities
were impregnated with religious meaning. The spirits of
the field, the spirits of the grain, the spirits of the
water, for instance, were all asked to share their life
and to help. There was hardly an activity that was not
imbued with some religious meaning. So people came to
the temple when they wished. Often it was for
counselling and guidance, other times it was for healing,
other times it was to show their thanks and they would
bring with them gifts for the temple. In this way the
temple was able to survive.
Pat: Were there separate buildings and places which we
would call hospitals now?
Al-kara: There was an area where people who had
travelled a long distance could stay. Mainly people
returned to their own homes after their healing.
Pat: Were such things as operations performed?
Al-kara: Not physical ones. We used only the spirit
guidance, laying on of hands, and where spirit guided us,
the use of herbs and foods. I worked in the high temple
in the city. There were other smaller shrines in the
countryside, but people, when they had something
important or major in their lives, would come to the high
temple. And it was to these people that there was a part
set aside for them to stay for a few days only.
Guy: Were you familiar with the flood story of that time?
Al-kara: Yes, I know the story of the flood.
Guy: It was written in your time already?
Al-kara: Written or spoken?
Guy: I don't know. It is found in very old writings -
the story of Gilgamesh. Do you know that?
Al-kara: Yes.
Angie: Could you tell us the story?
Gina: I don't know it.
Al-kara: This medium knows it.
Guy: We still read them, we have found the texts.
Pat: Was it true?
Al-kara: The main point of the story was that Gilgamesh
sought the herb of immortality, and he found it and he
lost it. People wanted their bodily immortality, they
did not really understand the immortality of the spirit,
for them it was the bodily immortality.
Angie: What part did the flood play?
Al-kara: That was a separate story.
Gina: What's the flood story?
Al-kara: This medium knows that story.
Guy: We can talk about it later. What has been the most
worthwhile activity for you since you have been for four-
thousand years in spirit?
Al-kara: Teaching and those periods in the regions
beyond the immediate Spirit World.
Pat: And you will return there, shortly?
Al-kara: I shall go there permanently very soon.
Guy: What sort of world is it where you usually reside?
Al-kara: How can I give you these concepts?
Gina: Try us.
Pat: With extreme difficulty.
Al-kara: It is light. It is colours. It is bliss.
Gina: Sounds and fragrances ...
Al-kara: It is being aware of the expansion that comes
next. It is being able to look in two directions -
forward to that bliss, but also backwards to see the
others coming behind me, and to call to them to look what
is beyond, to look there is more than they are seeing.
There is more than they are wanting, to let go of the
material and come.
Angie: Do you do that to all souls or only to selected
Al-kara: All souls. Who is there to select? All souls
are the same.
Gina: You are saying that we are basically an
obsolete model of soul. What can we do to get past this,
to minimise those obsolete characteristics?
Al-kara: Be aware that there is something more. Seek to
experience it. Spend time quietly alone, at peace, times
when you are not rushing around. Enjoy your nature, but
most of all sometimes be silent.
Guy: I would guess, Al-kara, that you never did have a
family in your life. Did you find that a hindrance, that
something was missing from your experience?
Al-kara: No.
Guy: It didn't trouble you?
Al-kara: I had families in previous lives.
Guy: You had lives before you were a priestess?
Al-kara: Yes.
Gina: What were those lives?
Al-kara: As the soul was coming deeper into the earth so
the soul has before it earth experiences, and then comes
back up. And as I was entering into the earth I had
these experiences. I did not need them in that last
Gina: Were those previous incarnations in the same
Al-kara: No.
Guy: Do you remember now all those incarnations or have
they faded from your mind?
Al-kara: Not all of them. I am not interested in them.
Guy: They no longer matter?
Al-kara: I have let them go, as I am letting go the
memories of this last life.
Guy: In your temple did you use special plants to reach
trance states?
Al-kara: Not in my day.
Guy: We believe that they were used a lot in your culture
in that area.
Al-kara: That is so. But I lived at a point where we
knew that they were not necessary. We had found that it
was better to do without them. We could obtain a better,
clearer, purer, seeing without them.
Gina: You were controlled by spirit too?
Al-kara: True.
Guy: When you were a priestess speaking, you had a guide
yourself who was speaking through you, guiding you. When
you passed I suppose you came face to face with your
Al-kara: Yes.
Guy: Are you still in contact?
Al-kara: No. They have gone on before me.
Gina: Can you describe one or two of your guides?
Al-kara: Not easily.
Gina: When you passed over what did they look like
Al-kara: Balls of shining light.
Pat: Did they feel like teachers or friends?
Al-kara: What is the difference? (General laughter)
They were just there.
Angie: In the temple you used gestures rather than
words. Can you describe some of those?
Al-kara: I do not know what they are called in your
society. Some I fear no longer are in use.
Pat: Is this because the gesture, in some way, was more
expressive than word?
Al-kara: The spirit did not need the words. The
gestures were sufficient and did not disturb the silence
in which we could feel the spirit's presence.
Pat: Can it be described as movement to meditation?
Al-kara: Some movements can aid meditation until you
come to rest.
Pat: Did the pupils and the general public learn these
gestures by example? Or did they use them and did they
become part of them?
Al-kara: They probably learnt the gestures by seeing
them. But we also gave them some gestures of their own,
and these gestures would be passed on from one person to
the next in the same family. So the gestures that were
given in the beginning to communicate with the God of the
Field, or the Spirit of the Grain, were passed on as part
of folklore.
Gina: How highly were women regarded in your last
incarnation? What was their status?
(There was a pause for a few seconds.)
Al-kara: I am thinking how to word it for you. I have
to seek for words at times. There were basically no real
differences between men and women. They had their
different spheres of operation but both were valued. We
valued the child bearing role much more than you do. It
was one of the tremendous mysteries, how the child is
formed and is born and has a soul and is a person. This
was the mystery above all mysteries. You have learned
much and have taken away much of that mystery. But do
you not still feel awe before a baby?
Gina: Very much so.
Al-kara: And women were highly valued because of their
psychic abilities. Men were valued for their strength
and their vigour.
Gina: Did women learn to read and write as a matter
of course?
Al-kara: Very few people learned to read and write. It
was a very specific task. There were few writers. It
was mainly concerned with keeping records, only later was
it used to write down our stories. For the majority of
people there was little point in learning to read and
write, as it was so little used.
Guy: In your time were laws already written down? There
was a famous king by the name of Hammurabi who wrote down
a lot of laws, he might have lived after you.
Al-kara: I am unfamiliar with the name. There was
beginning to be a need for the rules of a society to be
written down so that they could be referred to when there
were disputes, but it was quite a new concept.
Guy: You probably lived before Hammurabi.
Pat: How were disputes decided without a written law?
Al-kara: They were decided at the local level. In my
country the population was not great and so it was easier
to get to the higher judges, even though you may have to
travel. But as the population grew and as countries
invaded other countries it was becoming necessary to have
a set body of laws written down and referred to. Until
then it had been possible to do it by word of mouth.
There were leaders of villages who handled most of the
disputes at that level. It was only when you came to the
cities and the higher bureaucracies, that was where it
became necessary to write things down and then to pass
the rules on to the other part of the country.
Guy: My history is not as good as the medium's, the
medium knows more than me. If I remember correctly, the
oldest culture in your area was the Sumerian, the
Akkadians conquered the Sumerians and it became the
kingdom of Akkad. But the Sumerian language and religion
was kept as a sacred language in the temples and was
still used in the temples. In your time was the temple
language different from the language of the state?
Al-kara: No.
Guy: So you must have been earlier rather than later.
There was a time when Sumerian was used like Latin was
used in the Catholic church. The state was speaking
Akkadian but Sumerian was the sacred temple language.
Angie: Can you tell us your real name.
Al-kara: I have had to simplify it for this tongue.
Angie: Can you spell it?
Al-kara: We do not have your letters.
Gina: Can you write it?
Pat: You wouldn't understand it.
Angie: Could you write your name?
Al-kara: Not unless you have a mud palate and a reed.
Pat: No we do not.
Guy: Will you be coming back to us?
Al-kara: No.
Gina: Well, thank you very much for visiting us now.
Guy: Thank you indeed for coming.
Al-kara: I am letting go of my memory-banks.
Gina: Thank you for visiting us and I hope you have
achieved what you set out to do by coming.
Al-kara: I wished merely to talk with you.
Pat: It has been a great pleasure.
Al-kara: As I said, I was attracted to this particular
medium. And I will leave you with my blessings.
Gina: Thank you. You may be losing your memory banks
but you haven't lost your sense of humour.
(The session ended at this point.)
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