Jhannee requested a topic and a question was asked about what happens
to babies who die before birth.
Before a spirit incarnates in your world it will be around the mother
for periods during the gestation period. The spirit will not be there
all the time, but will come and go, and towards the end of the nine
months it will be with the mother for longer and longer periods.
In the case where a pregnancy was terminated early and the baby cannot
live, the soul has several options open to it. It can withdraw and
seek some other parents, it can decide not to incarnate at all at that
In the first case it simply goes through the process of choosing its
parents again, it may choose similar parents. In some cases of course,
the pregnancy terminates because the spirit decided it was not the
right birth for it after all. This, of course, is only one reason for
early termination of pregnancy, it is not so in every case. It may
then choose something more in keeping with its reason for incarnating.
If it decides not to incarnate at that time, it can go on in the Spirit
World with such experiences, tasks, duties, as it may feel are
necessary before incarnating, or, of course, it may simply stay on its
path moving back towards Godness and its final reunion.
One thing with this particular type of instance, is that the soul may
have been re-incarnating, but with the purpose of punishment or to make
some sort of recompense for deeds which it considers evil in its
previous life. And then, before the birth takes place, the spirit
realises that it does not have to reincarnate. It may have realised,
perhaps, that the things that it felt guilty about, it did not need to
feel guilty about. The soul may have realised that it can work things
out in the Spirit World. As we have explained to you, there are many
souls coming over who have difficulties and much work can be done on
this side if you wish to work out your 'guilts'. And so the soul may
continue the process on this side.
Naturally, the spirit will, very often for a while, hang around its
would be parents to console them, to see that they are all right,
before going on with its path on this side. if it is a new soul
incarnating for the first time, it can still work on this side bringing
a special aura with it, a special quality, which I am having trouble
describing to you. It is a special sense of calmness, of wisdom, of
wisdom of the ages, if I try to put it more poetically. Or the soul
can simply withdraw back into the Godness. There does not have to be
any particular reason for these things - it just decides to withdraw.
(The questioner said she had aborted a baby about two years before. A
medium has told her that there is a two-year spirit child with her.
Her impression and from the above comments was that the spirit is an
adult spirit until it is actually born. So it did not make sense to
her that there is a two-year old spirit which has not incarnated.)
Now, in this case, the spirit is wishing to be identified by you, and
the best way the spirit feels this can be accomplished is by giving you
an age which you can identify with a particular period.
(The sitter asked if, now that he has been identified, can this spirit
now reveal himself as a fully aware spirit?)
If the spirit so wishes. On the other hand, the spirit may wish to
stay with you and work with you as a helper or a guide of some sort.
This very often happens if the spirit can stay with the mother or the
father, and helping in those lines. You see, the spirit also had some
input into the decision that you made. The spirit was well-aware that
the pregnancy may not reach full termination. And I wish to stress
that things are never one-hundred-percent set - there were choices, so
that spirit knew there was a possibility of an early termination.
Gina: What have you been doing recently?
Jhannee: I have spent much time in the second area of the Spirit World.
I use this terminology in an effort to get the concept across to you.
I know that you in particular understand the concept that there are no
levels, no areas, no regions in the Spirit World. There are different
qualities of experience.
Georgina: I have been told that I have a healing gift. How can I, and
the other sitters, develop our gifts?
Jhannee: The first and most important is to have the desire. After
that is prayer and meditation. And after that is practice.
Having the desire is the first impetus to set the rest of the actions
in motion. You need regular periods when you are quiet, when you can
feel Spirit with you. The ideal, of course, is to feel Spirit with you
all the time. And I am not talking about actually communicating with
your spirit guides, I am talking about Spirit, the whole.
So have a regular time for this experiencing of Spirit presence. Ask
for Spirit to come to you, to strengthen the link with you. You do not
have to meditate for hours every day. Fifteen minutes, thirty minutes
is sufficient. No more than an hour at the most. You really do not
need to make drastic changes to your life. We do, however, recommend
that you do not smoke, alcohol should be kept low - you do not have to
give it up altogether, but do not drink it every day. Also things such
as tea and coffee and other drinks that contain caffeine, should be
drunk only in moderation. This is because the alcohol and, to some
extent, caffeine although caffeine has the lesser effect, affect the
vibrations of your aura making it more difficult for your spirit guides
to mesh in with it. When your guides are working through you, whether
it is in trance work, in healing or clairvoyance, their aura has to
mesh over and link in with yours. And to do that, the vibrations of
your auras have to be similar. In the case of full trance, the
vibrations exactly match, but if they are similar they (the guides) can
ease into place. So those things, smoking we do recommend removing,
the other things keep low.
See that your diet is balanced. You do not have to go to extremes
unless there is some good medical reason for it. Just make sure it is
well balanced with your fruit, your vegetables, your proteins, your
starches and so forth, a good range.
A practice we would recommend, is a bath or a shower before hand.
Wear clothes that are comfortable and of a light colour, because you
want your aura to be comfortable, to expand to its proper depth, to
have its correct vibration. You do not want to dampen it which dark
colours do, you do not wish to jar it which strong, harsh colours can
do. So we recommend light colours. The actual materials do not worry
us very much at all, because basically every substance in the world is
made of the same thing. So we do not mind whether you are wearing
artificial substances or natural substances or what. It all comes down
to the same thing if you go down far enough, which we can do.
When you have a client, before you start giving healing say a short
prayer. If you know who your healing guide is, ask that guide to draw
close to you to work with you. Ask the divine spirit to flow through
you to your client. Above all remember, you are doing nothing. You
are simply making yourself a channel for the love divine. You can
help, if it seems appropriate to you, to picture the energy flowing in
through your head and out through your arms to the patient. This is
why you do not need to be in good health yourself, you can still give
healing. Many people expect a healer to enjoy perfect health, they do
not necessarily, they too can get over tired, they too can have genetic
abnormalities which manifest. They too, can have an accident that
leaves something permanently wrong. If part of the body has been
removed for some reason, naturally, it cannot be grown back. You need
to establish a rapport with your client, so if you have some illness,
such as a cold, naturally you would cancel all healing sessions because
your client will be thinking 'I hope I am not going to catch that
cold.' And this will set up a barrier.
Likewise, if you have something which is draining your energy, you
would be wise not to heal, because you will not be behaving in a way
that will inspire your patient with confidence in you. If your energy
is low you will not be acting very energetically, will you? Of course,
you should not present an overly energetic attitude, that, too, can be
off-putting. Just be you, your natural self. For ourselves we do not
think that excessive close contact is necessarily a good thing. You do
not have to hug your patient. Many people do not like this, especially
from strangers. If you know the person and you know that that is all
right, well all right, if you so wish. In general however, we would
advise against it in a healing session.
When you are giving healing you can be opening up yourself to the
other person and so, if you have overly close contact, you may pick up
that person's vibrations into your own aura and that will affect you
So do not be too overly gushing on your client. Friendly, yes,
welcoming, yes, make sure they are comfortable, yes, but do not overdo
it. I wish to stress also that picturing of the energy flowing through
you and from you to the patient. Never, ever, picture anything coming
from the patient to you. Doing that increases very much the risk of
picking up the patient's condition, or, if there is an attaching spirit
to the client, you may attract that spirit to yourself. So always
think of the energy flowing from you to the patient.
We are aware that in your society there are areas of the body which
one does not touch on another person. These areas are mainly on the
front of the body. Now, those of you who have been coming here for a
while will know that nothing is laid down and set. There will be cases
when it will be all right for you to touch those parts of the body, but
in broad general cases, we recommend confining touching, if you wish to
touch the body, to the head, the back, the arms and hands, and the
lower parts of the legs and feet. For one thing, the main area for
healing is the spine itself. Now, energy comes into your physical body
through the top of your head, comes down into the spine and from the
spine it branches out into parts of the body. And so, by working on
the spine you can affect all parts of the body. I should, perhaps,
make the point that you do not have to actually touch the body, you can
work an inch or so away from the body. You should do what feels right
for you and for that particular client. Your healing guides will
direct you to the places that particularly need healing. You may also
be given some information about the person, it is important that you
pass that on. If you do not pass it on, you are forming a sort of dam
or blockage, and nothing new can come in. If you give it out, you open
it up and more can come in. A general rule is for silence during
healing except when you have this information from Spirit. Now, you
will always know when the client has had enough healing. It will
manifest to you in different ways. It will be idiosyncratic to your
self - this knowing, when that has happened, and you will recognise it
quite quickly. When you have that feeling you must always close down
the client. Smooth down the aura, again, how you do this is largely
idiosyncratic to yourself, your guides and to the patient, but in
general terms, smoothing down motions a few inches away from the body.
If you wish you can use the sign of the cross perhaps on the person's
head or in the air, it is not important. Only do it if it feels right
to you, or some other sign. It is also a good idea to use some sort of
finishing phrase such as 'God be with you', or whatever phrase appeals
to you.
Other things in conducting the healing is basically up to you. You
need to make quick rapport with your client, you might like to take a
few minutes and sit and chat; you may seek to have a past history of
the illness. On the other hand, you may prefer to go straight into it,
so much of it is up to yourself and the particular situation. You will
learn to sense those people who, usually without realising they are
doing it, are contracting their aura in on themselves, and you will
find it difficult to make 'contact' with them. These people will
particularly benefit from some preliminary talks; some reassurance;
explain your philosophical background; explain to them what you are
doing, and this sort of thing.
Never, ever, promise a cure. There are many reasons in a person's
life for having that illness, and it may not be in their life-plan to
receive a spirit healing. The patient really may not wish to be healed
- you will come across people like that. You will also come across
those people whose life is approaching the end, and these people you
will not cure, but you will be able to bring them reassurance and
comfort and perhaps some understanding. Again your guides will inspire
you what is the right thing to say to them. Do they need reassurance
about the people they are leaving behind? Are they feeling guilty
about something that they need reassurance? Do they really simply need
to have the Spirit World explained to them? To have the understanding,
to be reassured that there is a life after the death of the physical
body. There may be instances when you feel it appropriate to tell them
of experiences you have had which strengthened your faith. Always be
reassuring. You may find people who you feel will not get well,
because they like coming to see you. This can be a very difficult
situation to handle. In some cases you need even to say 'I can help you
no more'. You may feel it appropriate to suggest someone else they can
go to. Or you may feel it is better to just break. Your guides will
inform you. On the other hand, you may be perfectly willing to have
that person continue to come to you. Always trust what is within you.
You will pick up the undesirable cases and the cases where it is
appropriate to let them keep coming. Usually, in the former case, you
will feel drained after they go. If you feel particularly tired or
exhausted after a particular client, beware, for they may be taking too
much from you. Too much from you that they are not going to put to
good use themselves. You must always remember that healing is an
interaction, it is a feeling between you and the client.
After the healing, wash your hands in between each client. Water
being a fluid can take away from you the negative vibrations, and since
you are usually touching the person with your hands washing your hands
is sufficiently. Sometimes people use other parts of the body. Wash
your hands and then do an aura cleansing on that other part of the body
smoothing with your hands. When you have finished your healing session
for that day be sure to cleanse your aura. Now there are many methods
for doing this and you may develop your own method. I think I have
taught all of you, or someone in this group of guides has taught you,
our favourite methods, the one of 'washing' the body, with the fingers
a couple of inches away from the body. Or the one starting with the
fingers in the centre of the forehead, bring them down to the nape of
the neck three times. Then start again at the forehead, bring the
fingers down to the nape of the neck and then down the front of the
body, and do that three times. And finish with a prayer to close
yourself down. Always look after yourself as well, remember you are an
incarnation of a drop of the Godness and you deserve equal rights with
other people, and they deserve equal rights with you too, because they,
too, are an incarnation of the Godness.
Now, is there any point which you wish enlarged or clarified?
Georgina: When meditating, is there any particular thing like light, or
energy, or something that I should be focussing on?
Jhannee: There are many books written on how to meditate. You may
follow any method which feels right to you. Basically, your meditation
should also start with a prayer, it should be at a regular time of the
day, so that your guides know you are there and will be with you. We
can always come any instant that you call, but it helps if there is a
regular time for the meditation. So start with a prayer, the words we
leave up to you because the words will vary from time to time. You can
ask for inspiration, or protection or renewal, or whatever, or just for
their contact and help, and so forth. It is very often helpful to do a
breathing exercise of some sort, the very basic level of two or three
deep breaths and out again, and then just let the breath come and go.
You can, if you wish, meditate on some particular theme, you may have
some music playing or just have silence. You can vary these things,
you don't always have to do the same thing. You may give yourself a
guided imagery. One of the very basic ones which is very popular, is
to picture yourself walking down a garden path, through a gate in a
fence and in a beautiful setting, which you may design for yourself, on
the other side you may meet with your guides. And then, afterwards,
when you finish, you come back through the gate and shut it. This is
very good visualisation for opening up and closing down - the opening
of the gate and afterwards the closing. You will never completely shut
off the contact with your guides. But you do need to disconnect from
the contact enough, so that you can operate correctly in your world.
Remember that you have a life to live and you must live it. If you
don't have full experience in making decisions, you don't have practice
in life itself, you are not going to have the understanding when you
come on this side to help others. And when you have come through your
gate, say a short farewell to your guides.
(After some personal messages Jhannee left)
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