Who Betty Is

In 1975 Betty Foster was lead to Canberra by her spirit guides to start a Spiritualist Church. The first meeting to discuss this was held in February, 1975, and the Canberra Spiritualist Association came into existence in July that year. It was arranged that services would be held on the first and third Sunday of each month and this has continued to the present day, except that when there is a fifth Sunday in the month a flower reading service is held. All services are now held in the Griffin Centre at 3 p.m.

In 1979 Mrs. Elsie Brownell formed a second church, the South Canberra Spiritualists which meets in Hughes on the second and fourth Sundays in each month. These services are held in the Malkara School Hall, Wisdom Street, Hughes, at 7.45 p.m.

As 1990 was the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of the Canberra Spiritualist Association and the tenth anniversary of the founding of the South Canberra Spiritualists. To celebrate these two anniversaries the two churches jointly raised the air-fare for Betty Foster to visit Australia for six months.

While in Australia Mrs. Foster gave many private readings and also helped to develop people's psychic gifts. As well as working in Canberra she also travelled to Queensland and spent several weeks working there. Everyone who met her will remember the love and gentleness which permeated her work and her willingness to help those in trouble.

This booklet contains transcripts of some of the talks she gave in Canberra and also of the two public meetings at which she and her guides spoke. We hope that the information and philosophy contained herein will help and inspire those who read it.

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