Waldis Jirgens

was born in 1940 in
Latvia, grew up and went to school in
Nürtingen, West Germany, got a degree in Mathematics at the
University of
Tübingen, became a computer expert, married and migrated with my family to
Australia in 1980. Here we settled in
Sydney. Until my retirement in April 1996 I had been working for the John Fairfax organisation. Now my wife and I are "empty nesters" living in
Canberra, and I can pursue my various hobbies with renewed vigour.
The Paranormal
Let's first define the term. Wikipedia says:
Paranormal is a general term that designates experiences that lie outside "the range of normal experience or scientific explanation" or that indicates phenomena understood to be outside of science's current ability to explain or measure.
This is a heavily biased definition, as we will see in the following. More truthful is:
Paranormal is a general term that describes experiences and human capabilities that contradict the materialistic world view espoused by most governments, corporations and mainstream media. It has been investigated, documented and quantified by science since the 19th century.
Fact is:
People had paranormal experiences for as long as humanity existed - and probably even before that, since animals have psychic abilities too. The paranormal has been investigated by science starting in the 19th century, and mountains of evidence have been collected by reputable universities all over the world.
Here is a tiny subset of it.- compiled by myself, and here is a long list of
Selected Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications on PSI Research - compiled by Dean Radin.
One should think, that this would be enough to have Parapsychology established as one of the many disciplines of science and let people investigate and talk about it as freely as about any other field of scientific endeavour. However this is not so, because Parapsychology contradicts the
unacknowledged de-facto state religion of "The West", which is
MATERIALISTIC ATHEISM, never mind the tolerance expressed towards religious believers ("Opium for the masses" as Karl Marx said, but of course he is not acknowledged openly)...
There are a lot of collaborators in this plot: So called sceptics, the majority of clerics, and most governments oppose the acceptance of the paranormal:
- For the "sceptics" it is a matter of their materialist faith that "Nothing paranormal can exist", therefore any evidence collected "must be fraudulent" and any personal experiences "must be either imagination or a sign of mental illness". They do not investigate but simply deny the very existence of evidence for the paranormal - because "what must not be, cannot be!". This is not science nor scepticism but materialist fundamentalism in its most asinine form.
For fundamentalist clerics it is a matter of faith that their particular form of religion is THE TRUE ONE. They accept their largely fictional "Holy Books" as THE TRUTH. Since the scientific evidence about the paranormal in general and the afterlife in particular does not match their doctrines, they argue that the paranormal is driven by "dark forces out to deceive humanity". Even relatively moderate clerics side more often than not with this statement.
- Governments do not want their dark secrets to be exposed by an army of Remote Viewers, thus they take sides with the "sceptics" and ridicule everything paranormal, never mind that their "Deep Black" projects successfully employed gifted psychics, see the CIA's "Project Stargate"
Nevertheless the Remote Viewers are already at it, see: http://www.farsight.org/
Thus baseless faith and the love of power try to keep the general population in the dark about the paranormal. This has nothing to do with science but everything with propaganda.
The following site exposes their methods with gusto:
We are supposed to live in the AGE OF REASON. Polls show that 71% of the population have had at least one paranormal experience. NDEs show that human consciousness is not dependent on a functioning brain. Remote Viewing shows that human consciousness can travel long distances away from the body. ITC, EVP and materialisation mediumship show that human consciousness survives death.
This would rank as the greatest scientific discovery ever achieved would it not be for influential nihilists trying to ridicule all things paranormal. The late Ingo Swann suggested in his book PENETRATION an even more sinister motivation of government officials. The result? Honest people who admit that the paranormal is real have to fear for their careers, whilst the nihilists and their yes men rule the roost. IT SHOULD BE THE OTHER WAY ROUND.
Just an aside:
Even "regular" scientific discoveries that contradict the opinion of the science establishment are censored, ridiculed, and suppressed, as this Article by Rochus Boerner shows.
Space probe exploration is censored too. Look at these Discrepancies between Chinese and American lunar probe imagery for instance. Now either at least one of these image sets is altered with a graphics editor (which seems very likely - see the following pictures and thoughts) or between 1994 and 2010 somebody must have been mighty busy on the far side of the moon with heavy soil-moving equipment.
Here are the two pictures side by side:
Everyone can see the differences. Yet there is a strange silence in the general population. It is as if people are afraid to face the truth - that they are being lied to by their own governments when it comes to such a simple matter as the topography of the lunar surface. The implications are obvious! Surprising is also that none of the mainstream media have picked up on this. Where are the investigative journalists? Do we have to rely on volunteers to put up a presentation from official NASA videos on YouTube?
As we have seen above religion is less than helpful in making sense of the paranormal. People often adhere to their religion (including atheism), which is mostly the religion of their parents, out of tradition without trying to verify the veracity or otherwise of their particular beliefs. I found this approach naive and negligent in the extreme and set out to look for "the true religion", a spiritual philosophy that is logical, can explain paranormal phenomena in a coherent and logical way, and does not attribute human character faults (like anger, hate, jealousy) to its deity. If you have done the same, you will have guessed by now that I am a Spiritualist. As value system I like the Wiccan ethics:
"As long as you harm none, do as you will".
If you haven't heard of Spiritualism, please check out,
what Spiritualism is all about, and if you like
how it originated.
I am a member of the
Canberra Spiritualist Association.
Just let me tell you what Spiritualism is not:
- It is not a cult with an "all wise" or "infallible" guru at the top.
- It doesn't have fixed doctrines, that you have to believe in.
- It doesn't promote any "holy books" that you ought to read and study.
- It doesn't require you to undertake any exercises of worship.
- It doesn't prescribe how you may dress, or what you may eat or drink.
The attraction of Spiritualism for outsiders are Trance mediums and their channelled messages.
are transcripts from more than 100 channellings by Canberra medium Valerie Sturesteps. They are also available in self-contained e-book formats:
The spiritual arena does not attract idealists only, but also deluded, arrogant, greedy, stupid and/or dishonest people preying on the gullible, so
there is a lot of nonsense around. What one gets from people in the flesh
one can also expect from spirits. It is definitely necessary to
USE LOGIC to discern the quality of spiritual information - ancient or modern, coming from "holy" books, "gurus" or from channelled spirits.
How to separate spiritual trash from treasure
The Millennium-doomsayers were wrong. So were the ones expecting doomsday on December 21
st 2012:
Doomsday has been cancelled!
So, what do Spiritualists and Radio Amateurs have in common?
More than you probably think:
- Both are fiercely independent individualists.
- Both communicate with unseen partners.
- These communications are not always reliable, and prone to interference and static.
- The general population views both groups with suspicion.
- A pioneer of Instrumental Transcommunication - Prof. Ernst Senkowski (1922-2015) - was a Radio Amateur.
Amateur Radio in General
Amateur Radio Digital Modes
Digital modes have been around for quite a while.
In the 80s and 90s I was QRV in packet on VHF and sometimes on hf.
Later I did a bit RTTY and AMTOR with a TNC. In 2000 I started with the
newer digital modes like PSK31 and MFSK16. Since then numerous
additional digital modes have been developed. Most of them improve
dramatically on the "oldies" like RTTY for example. CW has also been
integrated as a digital mode amongst the others.
Last updated on the 1st of July 2015. Please report any broken links, that you encounter on this page!
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